1. Family, origin, DNA
2. Love, relationships, sexual disorders
3. Personality, emotions, feelings
4. Describing people
5. Exotic hobbies and leisures
6. Body language
7. Studying, ways of learning
8. Education, studying abroad
9. Work, jobs, working place, colleagues, bosses
10. Career and working environment
11. Networking, public speaking
12. Outstanding people
13. Getting success
14. Psychology and psychological disorders
15. Imposter syndrome
16. Happiness, hormones
17. Solving problems, dealing with conflicts
18. Travelling all around the world
19. Houses, appliances, smart systems
20. World cultures and manners
21. Nature, sounds, voices
22. Health and mental health
23. Medicine and body parts, doctors
24. Fashion and trends, colours
25. Perception: smell, sound, taste, sight
26. Finance, banking, money, family budget
27. Religions, belief, superstitions
28. Ancient times
29. Archeology
30. World history
31. Marketing and advertising
32. Manufacturing, industry
33. Brands, market, strategies
34. Technologies of future, energy resources
35. Economical issues
36. Tax system
37. Democracy and liberty
38. International politics
39. Technology, robots, materials, substances
40. Internet, social media
41. Laws and court
42. Conflicts and warface
43. Investing, cryptocurrency
44. Engineering and robots
45. Theatre and performing arts
46. Cinema, movie production
47. Arts, painters, galleries, genres
48. Books, English of Shakespeare
49. Confusing words
50. Final test.